Rice and Raisin Wine
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Whilst it might sound an odd and unpromising combination, Rice and Raisin wine is one of CJJ Berry's recommended recipes to be made in March.
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Whilst it might sound an odd and unpromising combination, Rice and Raisin wine is one of CJJ Berry's recommended recipes to be made in March.
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This weekend I am brewing a version of Moorhouses Pendle Witches Brew, based on the recipe in Graham Wheeler's book. Named after the famous witches of Pendle Forest in Lancashire who were hanged in 1612,
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I broached the barrel of Fullers London Pride clone last night after 4 weeks. My beers normally only last 2-3 weeks before I open them, but I have been drinking kit beers that I put on before Christmas so this one has lasted longer than most.
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At this time of the year, there is a distinct possibility that you will have some dried elderberries left over from the harvest of last Autumn (or you may have bought a bag from your local homebrew store), now is an ideal time to use them to make dried elderberry wine.
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I've decided to try and brew a version of an all grain version of Wells Bombadier Ale to take up to Chester when we visit our friends at the end of February. None of the standard recipe books have a recipe for this beer, so I looked at the brewer's website and the back of a few cans and bottles and came up with the following approximation:
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The London Pride recipe I made up last weekend has just gone into the barrel. The recipe had a target OG of 1040, but mine started out at 1046, so it will be slightly stronger than planned. As it has been quite cold in the office this week, I've maintained the temperature in the wort by using
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For my first All Grain Brew of the year I am making up the version of Fullers London Pride as per the recipe in Graham Wheeler's book "Brew Your Own British Real Ale" (2009 Edition). The recipe uses 3750g of Pale Malt, 370g of Crystal Malt and four types of hops to give a smooth, full flavoured beer with a target OG of 1040 and an ABV of 3.9%. Target, Challenger and Northdown Hops are used as the main boil hops, with Goldings as the late addition hops.
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For many Country Winemakers, winter can be a bit of a dull time with few natural ingredients readily available and all of last Autumn's fruit wines still maturing, but January is a good time to have a go at either Raisin Wine or Grapefruit Wine. Both of these, together with Date Wine to help you use up that box that always turns up in Christmas Hampers, are listed in CJJ Berry's wonderful book, "First Steps in Winemaking".
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Sam and I would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year and hope that your heads do not hurt too much after last night's merrymaking.
We hope that you and your friends and guests have been enjoying the fruits of your recent beer and winemaking efforts and that, from a purely selfish point of view, you have seriously run down your stock and need to come and visit us soon to start replenishing your supplies.